Welcome to My Little Life
Nice to meet you, I am Sharyce. You are here which means you already know I like to take pictures. But WHY I take pictures is a different story. For nearly a decade I called myself a photographer because I picked up my camera occasionally and made some extra cash here and there. A version of myself now likes to look back and cringe at the photographer from a decade ago. However she (me) set the foundation for my career path today. When I became a mother I found that pictures had much more meaning behind them. Yes, I am going to go into the stereotypical photographers speil about “visual storytelling”. As cliche as it is, there’s so much truth in what I am about to say. A picture is a time capsule of one single moment in time. A moment no matter how much we try to recreate it will always only belong to that original place in time. That photo could bring a person back to the smell of their baby’s hair, the giggle of their toddler, the tears of a loving grandmother, the most epic love you ever felt between you and your partner. A simple photo can tell one piece of a persons story. I LOVE being able to do this for myself and other’s. I don’t photograph a lot of posed pictures and the reason for that is you aren’t truly LIVING in those moments. You aren’t creating authentic moments that you won’t to be swallowed in.
Even beyond capturing some of people’s most cherished moments, I created this path and career as a photographer to be a stay at home mom and be available to be present for all the moments that have proven to come and go to quickly. My drive to be an artist AND a mother is everything.
I have an amazingly supportive partner (soon to be husband). He encourages me to be my boss b!t*h self and holds me up on days when I really just want to give up and take that 9-5.
As a person who spent years not knowing what a safe space truly felt like, I want to create that for others. In front of my lens and through connection. You will find that I like to embrace being awkward, I feel that is when we are our most human.
My Babies…